RDS launches iSOSYNC PC Software

iSOSYNC enables control of the loadout operation and inventory, productivity & traceability management.
The software can be used with either LOADMASTER α100 or LOADEX 100 and allows the rapid transfer of job information from a central computer to the loader or excavator and the resultant load information is sent back to the PC upon completion.
The system can be one or two-way and is designed to operate fully automatically and without changing the loading routine for the mobile operator.
Job instructions are sent direct to the loader operator. After each vehicle is loaded and the ‘Clear’ button pressed to reset the instrument, the loading record is transmitted back to the central computer and can be logged into the load management software.
iSOSYNC can be remotely accessed utilising standard query language (SQL), acting as a bridge module between the on-board weighing system and a customer’s existing load management software package.
iSOSYNC contains reference lists of names selected from drop down boxes and assigned to a job;
• Customers
• Products
• Trucks
• Hauliers
• Mixes
• Drivers
• Destinations
• Locations
• Notes
• Attachments
Connectivity options include USB, TCP/IP over Ethernet LAN cable, Wi-Fi Ethernet module, 3G Router or 869 MHz Radio Modem.
Job reports can be listed according to time, date(s), job number, job name, ticket no. and Machines and Stores references.
The LOADMASTER α100 is a trade approvable system to MID Class Y (b) and OIML (UK only) and suitable for use in commercial transactions. Linking to iSOSYNC provides an integrated and complete load-out management system.